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IR Spotlight

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Dr. Cassandra Montgomery of Gwynn Oak, MD is a Certified Pastoral Member of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling and has been an International Representative since 2000.

In 2020, I started Divine Bread of Life International, Inc. (DBLI, Inc) during the pandemic. Since then, I have maintained my students and continue to grow with the help of the Holy Spirit leading me and directing me. One thing I asked the Lord to do was to send me students with a teachable spirit and He did just that. We currently have on-campus, off-campus and online courses. Our courses include but are not limited to Created in God’s Image, Phase I-Phase III Counseling Program, Prophet’s Program, Associate-Doctoral Program and soon to come Mental Health course. As the students come and register for class, we encourage each and every one of them to take Created in God’s Image. We now have Created in God’s Image as our Advised Elective class, in which every student has to take. Our counseling class has grown so much. We know that it was only the Lord God who brought us through this. I am ecstatic to say that we just had our first Commencement Ceremony on May 15th with a graduating class of 24 students. To add on to that we also have four extension schools as well. I thank the Holy Spirit for connecting us with these schools: Family Bible College of Fayetteville, Chrysolite Ministry, Winning Grace Bible Institute and Wings of Victory.

You might be wondering why and how I do what I do. It is all because of the love of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the love and passion for Kingdom building and the power of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8 it says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” We shall receive wonder working power, miracle working power, power over demons, power over depravity, power over disease, power over sin, power over satan, power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and all the works of the enemy! The Holy Spirit gives us power to be a witness to the risen Christ in our world. Not to do the job of witnessing but to become a witness. A witness of what you say? A witness of anything that bears testimony of something when the original thing isn’t present. A witness is not mere retelling of facts, but a physical piece of evidence-something you can touch. We are here to be that witness to the people around us and to each other. Tell the story of the Gospel-what the Lord is doing in you and through you-that those around you may come to Christ, our Redeemer and receive new and eternal life!

I would like to encourage you with three things:

1.You Belong next to God- “God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ...and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:4-6, NKJV). Long, long ago, God made and reserved a place for us next to Himself. That’s where He saw us then. That’s where we need to see ourselves now—in a place of power, authority, honor and glory.

2. You're in Good Company- “You were…[alienated] from the people of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God…. But now in Christ Jesus you who previously were far away [were made] nearby the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:12-13, NASB). One moment we were far from God, next we were up-close and personal. It’s all about focusing on and getting accustomed to the idea of being close to our heavenly Father.

3. It's All on God- “Set your sights” and “think about” where you really belong, whose company you’re in, and what all God has done-and continues to do to keep the friendship up close, personal and real. God loves us too much to leave us powerless. Receive the Holy Spirit of the Almighty and the freedom, liberty and power that He brings!

From the words of Priscilla Shirer, “What God called us to do, He had equipped us to do it. God does not call the ones who are already equipped. He calls us and when we say yes, He equips us to do what He called us to do.”

I will close with this prayer:


1. Praise

“Our father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name.”

2. Priority

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

3. Provision

“Give us this day our daily bread.”

4. Pardon

“Forgive us of our sins as we forgive others who sin against us.”

5. Power

“Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”

6. Praise

“For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen.”

I would like to give special thanks to the Founders Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno, Rev. Steven M. and Erin Baran, Rev. Dr. Robert J. Duncan, Jr. and all SACC and NCCA staff for continuing to be there for me and supporting me. As stated in Proverbs 24:6b, “And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” Thank you all for all you have done and continue to do for the body of Christ. I look forward to many more years of working together.

God bless,

Dr. Cassandra A. Montgomery, Ph.D.

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