Rev. Dr. Pearl Gyamera is a Certified Member of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling (SACC.) and has been an International Representative (IR) since January 15, 2015. She is also a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor-Advanced Certified with the National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.) since June, 2014.
Rev. Dr. Pearl Gyamera shares:
My Name is Rev. Dr. Pearl Gyamera, I am an Ordained Minister in US and Ghana, West Africa. I am an International Representative for Sarasota Academy Christian Counselors (SACC), Professional Clinical Supervisor and Diplomate with the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA). President and Founder of Pearls Christian Counseling (PCC), CEO, President, Founder, and Dean of Mind Renewal International (MRI). But what I Cherish most about me is that I AM THE RIGHTEOUS DAUGTHER OF THE MOST HIGH GOD IN JESUS CHRIST. I AM GREATLY BLESSED, HIGHLY FAVORED AND DEEPLY LOVED BY MY HEAVENLY FATHER.
I have been married for 30 years and my husband and I have been supporting Orphans and Widows since 1991. In 2009, I took the Creation Temperament Course, and it was a great course and experience for me. Before the end of the course, I had this strong Godly desire that everyone needs to know about this course, especially in Africa. I began to find out what it will take to be able to teach the course in the USA and Africa. By 2014 I had completed all the necessary requirement with SACC and NCCA, was awarded the necessary credentials to able to teach the course in the USA and Africa. In 2015 I started looking into how to launch the course in the USA and Ghana West Africa. The Ghana launch turned out to be very challenging as to how to get the course materials to Ghana, and then the Challenge with the cost of the course. We reached out to Pastors, Ministers and Church leaders to encourage them to take the course. We had several Free Orientations, TV and Radio Ads. Most people were interested to take the course but complained about the cost. In 2016 we started with the first class of 13 Ministers and Elders, they paid less than half the cost of the course. My husband and I paid the difference for each person to complete the course.
As we continue to pray about how to make the course affordable to Pastors and Ministers in Ghana, the idea of starting a Non-Profit dropped into my Spirit and Mind Renewal International (MRI) as an organization was born in 2017.
MRI is Faith Based Organization, Non-Denominational, Non-Governmental and Non-Profit 501c3, Registered In the USA and Ghana
“Renew Minds and Transform Lives” Romans 12:2
To Partner with Churches, Organizations and Individuals to Raise Funds to Support:
The Elderly (USA Only) James 1:27
Orphans (Ghana and Africa) James 1:27
Widows/Elderly (Ghana and Africa) James 1:27
Subsidize the Cost of Christian Counseling Training/Courses and Counseling. Hosea 4:6
Since the establishment of MRI, we have been able to raise fund with the help of my amazing board members to subsidize the cost of the Creation Therapy Course. On the Average each student in Ghana pays about $100 equivalent in Ghanaian cedi and MRI pays the difference to cover the total amount charged per student by SACC to complete the course. It has not been easy, but the Lord has been faithful and has been very fulfilling. We continue to see lives transformed and a lot of amazing testimonies from those who have completed the Creation Therapy Course. The transformed lives make it all worthy in spite of the Financial Struggles and other challenges we face.
COVID-19 was a huge blow, but we are still standing. Since 2016 we have had over 100 Pastors and Ministers complete the Creation Therapy Course and we are still counting. I know the best is yet to come as we trust God for more financial support. Most of the finances for the organization has come from my husband and myself, and the board members. The need is great, but the resource and support is a challenge, but we are not moved. I want to encourage the SACC IRs to take a leap of faith to take the CT course to where every God has called them. It is not and will not be easy but, it is worth it. Because faithful is he who has called, and he will do. 1 Thessalonians 5:25. It is about changing one life and one family at a time and God is taking us from Glory to Glory. We are not where we want to be yet, but we are certainly not where we used to be. We have since growth which is only possible by God’s Grace and Favor.
I have been interviewed about the Creation Therapy Course and Temperament on TV Africa, Joy TV, Joy Radio and other stations. Most people are always amazed when I talk about the 5th Temperament (Supine), they are used to the 4 Temperaments. I have taught and spoken on Temperaments as a topic in Pastors and Minsters Conferences, many churches and organizations in the USA and Ghana. I have also used the Temperament in Leadership Training and Seminars for many Churches as well. Most
Churches and institutions are interested but unable to afford, especially in Africa.
We believe that every human being on the face of the earth needs to at the least take the Creation Therapy Course to know who they are and to know the truth about themselves to be set free to live a healthy life of Peace and Freedom from within. To help us all know how to relate with the people around us. Because life is about people, with people and for people, and the greatest resource we have on earth is people and it important that every human being learns about human nature in a biblical way through the study of the temperament and the Creation Therapy Course.
It has been blessing to me personally, to my marriage, family and my relationships. I am a better person now since got to know my Temperament and the application of the word of God in meeting my needs and trusting God’s Grace to walk in my strength.
MRI is open to any suggestions and support that will help us Train more Pastors and Minister as well as individuals. We are in discussions with some Bible collages and Christian High school to make the Creation Therapy Course part of their curriculum. We are also looking into the possibility of translating the CT Course into the major local language in Ghana.
We are excited and trusting God for a breakthrough in the areas of our next move for the Organizations to spread Creation Therapy Course in particular and Christian Counseling as a whole which is very much needed in Ghana, Africa and our world today.
The organization currently rents a classroom and office space. The overhead cost is high so, to the Glory of God, we in the process of building our own classrooms and office space. Our students meet in-person. We have clients come for counseling as well. Sometimes I have to counsel some clients in my bedroom when I am in Ghana to be able to uphold confidentiality and the office space is not an ideal for that.
We do free Orientations to encourage and enroll students
MRI supports the Elderly in the USA. We send donations to Nursing Homes and Assisted living Facilities, we visit and we spend time with the elderly, we share the word of God, encourage and pray with them and point them to the everlasting Love of God the father.
MRI work with Social Welfare and the Non-Profit Governing Agency in Ghana to support with donations to regulated Orphanages. We go to make our donations, send time with them share the word of God and pray with them.
We gather the widows together and provide refreshments/lunch, share the word of God with them, encourage them and pray with them. We give each widow a package containing food items, Clothes and a Bible.
MRI has also Partnered with the Gideons International Ghana Branch to supply and donate Bibles and Christian literature for Hospitals wards and to pray for the patients.
MRI also Donates Bibles to Hotel